Before we get started on this, can we all agree that there’s no ‘correct’ way to play a video game when it comes to camera angles? Some of us like a nice third-person view, others love to be sucked directly into their protagonist’s skull and see everything out of their eyes, experiencing all the delights of smashing enemies and grabbing collectables just like you were there yourself. Fun!
Either way, it’s good to have options, right? That’s why I’m sure anyone who’s ever dreamed of becoming one with Geralt of Rivia will be very excited about this new Witcher 3 mod. As reported by DSOGaming, modder crthdr’s creation allows for full exploration, horse riding, sailing and combat, all from a glorious first-person perspective.
Before we go on, be sure to check out this super cool step-by-step creation of a Geralt figurine below.
According to DSOGaming, there are a few minor bugs to look out for - apparently, it’s sometimes a bit difficult to interact with objects, but you can easily switch back to third-person to deal with that, and then switch back. Additionally, the mod changes a few combat elements in order to make the first-person gameplay experience a bit smoother. These include changing roll to jump, and knockdown to stagger.
Anyway, if you wanna give this mod a go yourself, you totally can - check out its page on Nexus Mods here, and download it for free. Be sure to take a look at the video below too, to see it in action.
Can’t beat a bit of The Witcher, can you? Last month, fans of the series were all coming together on Reddit to express their deep desire for a remake of the first game, which I think we can all agree would be very deserved. First released back in 2007, the original game is certainly a bit dated, and many gamers these days struggle to get into it after experiencing the splendour that is The Witcher 3. One thing is for sure, it’s certainly more worthy of a remake than The Last of Us is, and that’s apparently getting one, so anything can happen.
Topics: The Witcher 3, The Witcher, Mods, CD Projekt Red