What is it with The Simpsons predicting the future? From the merger of Disney with 21st Century Fox to the outbreak of murder hornets, the show has somehow managed to seemingly accurately foretell a whole host events years prior to them actually happening.
Now, as reported by Screen Rant, it seems to have happened yet again. Earlier this week, Pokémon revealed a brand new Paldean friend, who’s perhaps the series’ best boy yet. I’m of course talking about Greavard - the adorable Ghost-type dog Pokémon.
Check out our video preview for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet right here!
This spooky pup has one of the saddest descriptions I think I’ve ever read, so let me inflict it upon you, too. “Greavard has such a friendly and affectionate personality that paying it even the slightest bit of attention will make it so overjoyed that it will follow you wherever you go. Of all the Pokémon residing in the Paldea region, it is known to be especially easy to befriend,” it reads, starting wholesomely. “However, Greavard will slowly and inadvertently absorb the life-force of those around it, so it’s best not to play with it too much.” Why?!
Anyway, The Simpsons prediction in question was spotted by voice actor Beau Bridgland. Back in 1996, the seventh season of the show brought us The Day the Violence Died - an episode which saw the original creator of Itchy & Scratchy sue Itchy & Scratchy Studios for plagiarism. During the court case, Roger Meyers Jr. (CEO of Itchy & Scratchy Studios), argues that plagiarism is at the heart of animation, and asks who’d come up with ideas if they weren’t stolen. It’s at this point that Marge, put on the spot, suggests “Ghost Mutt”. Congratulations, Marge, your idea has become reality.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are set to release on 18 November, and I for one can’t wait to add Greavard to my team.
Topics: Pokemon, TV And Film