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Steam gamers, you have until June to grab this gorgeous free download

Steam gamers, you have until June to grab this gorgeous free download

Don't miss out on this hack-and-slash title

Steam has us covered again with this gorgeous free download we can get stuck into right now. However, there’s not long left until this offer runs out.

VOIN is an upcoming first-person hack-and-slash RPG from developer Nikita Sozidar. Set in a dark fantasy world, players will fight hordes of enemies, uncover secrets and dangers and master their ability of wielding the primordial elements.

Try something else on Steam such as Planet Crafter seen below!

You will take on the role of an elemental servant created by a powerful mage to fulfil one purpose: to become a formidable weapon.

Under the control of your masters, you will have to set off to cleanse the world of a devastating plague that has consumed all of humankind and you will do that by killing any enemy that steps foot in your path.

Whether you execute devastating combos, powerful attacks or dodge incoming blows, this reaction-based combat is guaranteed to keep you on your toes.

Not only that but navigation has never been easier with the ability to scale walls, dash across rivers, hide in secret areas, descend from the skies onto your enemies or even destroy the environment to aid you in your battles.

With every RPG comes some formidable bosses and VOIN is no exception. You will meet incredibly powerful bosses along your journey each with their own skills and abilities.

Featuring old-school and unique art styles, fast-paced and dynamic gameplay, exceptional sound design “and the most advanced game development technologies available today”, VOIN is not one to miss out on and luckily its demo is free to try on Steam right now.

In related news, Steam users can also get their hands on dozens of free downloads right now. Not only that but being part of the Endlessly Replayable event means that you can sink many hours into these exciting titles.

Featured Image Credit: Steam/Nikita Sozidar

Topics: Steam, PC, Free Games