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'Star Wars: KOTOR 2' Is Getting New DLC In The Year Of Our Lord 2022
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'Star Wars: KOTOR 2' Is Getting New DLC In The Year Of Our Lord 2022

It's been confirmed that the Switch port of KOTOR 2 is going to be getting new "restored content", which was cut from the original release.

The year is 2004. The best movie sequel of all time, Shrek 2, is out in cinemas, as is The Incredibles, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords has just released on the Xbox. Life is good. 

All those years ago though, if you were told that that game would, in 18 years time, get some brand new DLC on the Nintendo Switch, would you have believed it? Well, chances are, you’d probably ask what a Nintendo Switch is. And what DLC stands for. But even if you did know what those things are, it’d still probably be rather baffling, as it is now.

Take a look at the trailer for the Switch port of KOTOR 2 right here.

No, really. As reported by ComicBook, the team behind the KOTOR 2 Switch port, Aspyr, have confirmed that the iconic title is set to receive brand new content later this year. This follows the game’s release on Nintendo’s console last week. 

While this essentially is new content for all players, given that no one has played it before, it’s not actually as fresh as you might expect. Aspyr are referring to the additions as “restored content” - it’s basically a load of stuff which was cut from the game in the lead-up to its original 2004 release. Apparently, it’ll include whole new dialogue, missions, and even features that might affect the branching story paths. 

There’s one catch though, which fans might want to keep in mind: “You will need to start a new game with the DLC content enabled to access the additional content, however after the DLC releases and you still wish to finish your non-DLC playthrough, you can access those base game save files by disabling the DLC in the in-game main menu,” Aspyr wrote on Twitter.

So, that’s a bit annoying for anyone who’s already got stuck into a save file. Even so, it’s ridiculously cool that a beloved title can receive new (old?) content like this so many years later - we love to see it. The DLC is expected to release at some point during Q3 2022.

Featured Image Credit: LucasArts, Disney, Lucasfilm, Aspyr

Topics: Star Wars, Knights Of The Old Republic, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch