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Red Dead Online player's 6,000-hour Stadia save rescued by Rockstar

Red Dead Online player's 6,000-hour Stadia save rescued by Rockstar

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

The Red Dead Online player who had racked up almost 6,000 hours in the game on Google Stadia is going to ride off into the sunset today with a beaming smile on their face. Rockstar Games has been able to rescue their save from oblivion when Stadia shuts down next year.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Stadia? I thought not. It's not a story Google would tell you. So I will, if you haven't had your finger on the button of all things Stadia. Like most people.

Owing to the streaming service's obvious lack of momentum, Google chose to pull the plug and support will end in January. The company has pledged to refund all Stadia hardware, games and apps to those customers, and while this is a positive thing, this Red Dead Online player was devastated over the news of the shutdown.

Check out this awesome compilation of wins and painful fails from the Red Dead community here!

They risked losing over 6,000 hours spent in the Wild West... permanently. Given the popularity of the game and the stunning amount of time sunk into its painterly world, gamers of every sort went to bat for ItsColourTV. Fortunately, all of this good publicity has led to a solution.

Active Red Dead Online players on Stadia are able to transfer their in-game currency, experience points and role tokens to PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One through their Rockstar Social Club account. As a result, these thousands upon thousands of hours are now not disappearing like a dust mote on the sierra.

"I doubt this would have been possible if it weren't for all of the creators and gaming journalists that picked up my story and raised awareness," said ItsColourTV on Twitter, expressing their gratitude for everyone who championed their cause. "I have all of you to thank as you have helped save an entire community of players from losing all their online progress."

Featured Image Credit: Take-Two Interactive

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games