Does anything in gaming come close to beating the sheer thrill, the adrenaline, the euphoria of finding a shiny Pokémon? Yes, we know they’re just different colour palettes (and sometimes barely, I’m looking at you Garchomp), but they’re rare colour palettes, okay? It’s definitely worth spending hours upon hours of your time looking for them. That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway.
Legends: Arceus has, as well as changing up the usual gameplay formula of the series in general, altered how hunting shiny Pokémon works - with whole new methods being introduced to bag more of the sparkly variants faster. At this point it very much feels like everyone but me has found one, by the way (and no, that Ponyta doesn’t count). Anyway, this isn’t just about hunting them, reader. This is about going full-blown Mewtwo movie, and endlessly cloning them to form your own glittery army.
While you're here, be sure to check out some of the best Legends: Arceus wins and fails below.
First discovered by Twitter user @Kqttling, and further expanded on by YouTuber PhillyBeatzU, this exploit allows you to endlessly duplicate the Pokémon that spawn from trees, ore, and treasure chests. While that does limit the Pokémon you’ll be able to use this method on, there’s still plenty to choose from, like Graveller, Cherrim, and Burmy.
You’ll have to disable auto save, head out to an area on your map, find and catch the Pokémon you want to duplicate from one of those spawns, and move on to a different area, like a cave, for half an hour. You definitely need to keep in mind that fully changing area here won’t work - you can’t head back to Jubilife Village or pick another area on the map to travel to - you have to change environment within the region you’re already in.
After 30 minutes have passed (and time spent in battle won’t count, by the way), head back to the same spot you caught your Pokémon, and the spawn will have regenerated an exact copy, right down to its individual stats. Obviously, this does mean that you’ll have to manually hunt down a shiny Pokémon in the first place, but once you do, you’ll be able to clone yourself as many as you can be bothered to.
It’s worth noting that a software update was released for Legends: Arceus just this morning, which has fixed several issues and bugs, so there’s a chance that this exploit might have been ironed out too. If you want to give it a go, it might be worth postponing the update until after you’ve tried it. Happy hunting!
Topics: Pokemon, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch