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PlayStation Plus users can grab a free PS1 classic right now

PlayStation Plus users can grab a free PS1 classic right now

PlayStation Plus subscribers are able to pick up several games now, including a classic PS1 game

If you're looking to relive the good old days, PlayStation Plus has you covered with a new old PS1 banger guaranteed to take you back to a time before you grew up and got The Fear.

With the addition of various different games to the PlayStation Plus catalogue, there's a lot of games that might fall under the radar. One of these is a classic PS1 title being added this month that might get lost in the shuffle alongside other new additions.

G-Police was first released back in 1997, and is a combat flight simulation game that was both developed and published by Psygnosis, a developer best known for franchises such as Lemmings and Wipeout. As noted at the time, the game was inspired by Ridley Scott's Blade Runner, trying to capture the world of that movie while also using new technology such as 3D sound and Direct3D Hardware Acceleration.

Alongside G-Police, the following games are also being added to PlayStation Plus:

The return of Red Dead Redemption 2 to the service is likely extremely great news to those who have been waiting to play the game, since it has been jumping in and out of the service for a while now, and with the fact that the game is so incredibly long, players need to set aside time to actually play the game. It's also worth noting that since the full game is included in PlayStation Plus, players will also get access to Red Dead Online, meaning that they and their friends can cause havoc around the Wild West together.

Featured Image Credit: Sony