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PlayStation 5 slammed for 'deceiving' message on the box

PlayStation 5 slammed for 'deceiving' message on the box

PlayStation 5 owners are questioning why 8K gaming still isn't available, despite 8K functionality being advertised on the box.

This year, the PlayStation 5 will turn three years old, but it still doesn’t support a feature that’s advertised right on the front of the box.

As anyone who’s attempted to buy one of these things will know, until very recently, actually managing to procure a PS5 has been way harder than it should have been. The global shortage of semiconductors combined with scalpers doing their thing meant that it was pretty much impossible to add one of Sony’s new-gen consoles to your basket unless you turned on stock alerts everywhere, and were able to drop everything you were doing at the drop of a hat in order to dive into an online queue.

Coming exclusively to PS5 this year is the highly anticipated Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 - take a look at the trailer below.

At the very start of the year though, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan announced that from now on, “everyone who wants a PS5 should have a much easier time finding one at retailers globally”. Rejoice! However, on Reddit, some PS5 owners are feeling frustrated that after all this time, 8K gaming still isn’t an option, despite the fact that there’s an 8K sticker right on the front of the packaging.

“Where is my 8K gaming PlayStation?” one user questioned, along with a picture of the box. “It's literally just bulls**t marketing because technically the HDMI 2.1 connection can do 8K,” another replied.

Another user summed up the situation best: “The PS5 doesn't support 8K output. The sticker on the box is kinda deceiving. The console supports 8K internal rendering resolution but not output via HDMI 2.1. But the sticker isn't that specific,” they wrote.

A FAQ article on the PlayStation Blog states that “after a future system software update [the console] will be able to output resolutions up to 8K when content is available, with supported software”, so it sounds like we could still experience 8K gaming eventually. When that will be remains to be seen.

Featured Image Credit: Triyansh Gill via Unsplash, Tamara Bitter via Unsplash

Topics: PlayStation 5, PlayStation, Sony