There’s been a lot of talk about frame rates in games lately. For anyone blissfully unaware, right before the release of the Batman-without-Batman game Gotham Knights earlier this month, it was confirmed that the title would be locked to 30fps on Xbox Series X/S and PS5, with no option to choose between performance and visuals to crank up the smoothness. This was very disappointing to a lot of people, and prompted many to cancel their preorders entirely.
To make matters worse, there’ve been some reports since that the title struggles to hit 30fps at all, which really isn’t ideal. Just to rub some salt in the wound, in the midst of the outcry, the team behind the upcoming horror title, The Callisto Protocol, waltzed in to not-so-subtly brag that their game will, in fact, have a 60fps performance mode.
We've been hands on with The Callisto Protocol - here's five things we learned from playing it.
Needless to say, frame rate has been a hot topic, with some arguing that hitting 60fps really isn’t that big of a deal, and others maintaining the view that it should be a necessity on new-gen consoles. Now, Push Square have conducted a poll to find out what the general consensus is when it comes to PS5 games, and the results point very strongly in one direction.
A total of 12,446 people have responded to the poll at the time of writing, and out of those, a huge 72% of respondents believe that PS5 games should definitely offer a PS5 option. Out of that 72%, 39% of people believe that 60fps should be the bare minimum. A smaller portion of respondents (11%) said that they prefer playing PS5 games in 60fps, and another 10% said that while it’s a nice option, it isn’t a necessity. Only 3% said that they were totally fine with 30fps games, and a slightly larger (but still tiny) 4% of people said that they don’t care about frame rates in the slightest.
Based on the amount of backlash Gotham Knights received for not hitting 60fps, it’s not shocking at all to see in numbers just how many people feel strongly about this - people love their buttery smooth action.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony