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Xbox quietly killing off one of its most beloved features

Xbox quietly killing off one of its most beloved features

It's all change

Microsoft is killing off a feature that many deemed handy and helpful for it to be replaced by a new hub area. We’re talking about the Microsoft Rewards app, a great tool that many used to see and discover potential rewards on Xbox. The app is due to be discontinued in April meaning users will need to shift their activity to the new hub,

The Rewards hub was introduced last year, but since then Xbox users have still been able to track their challenges and points on the console itself. The new hub will allow users to track the same details but across multiple platforms.

Microsoft has been gearing up to end support for the Rewards app on Xbox Series consoles.

A message has recently appeared in the Rewards app saying, “Rewards with Xbox has a new home. Check out the new Rewards hub, your go-to destination for Xbox activities and offers, available across devices. Now you can see available activities, set up a goal, and redeem your rewards all in one place. The new activities focus on what matters most: earning points while having fun playing games.”

Perhaps the biggest blow to users is the ending of streaks which could be kept up by signing in daily and playing certain games across the weeks. The current streaks will end as of 15 April. As the wording says “current streaks”, we can only assume that new streaks will begin soon after.

The Microsoft message in the app continues, “We're excited to bring the Rewards hub with new activities to Rewards with Xbox, and we're looking forward to providing even more ways to earn Rewards in the future."

Microsoft has been quietly slashing support for several apps, but it’s with the Rewards program we’ve seen the most activity with them ending the daily achievement task and slashing the points totals for certain activities. Regardless, you will still be able to earn rewards, albeit a little slower.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Xbox Game Pass

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