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Steam gamers have until 13 June to grab free store credit

Steam gamers have until 13 June to grab free store credit

Sweet Steams are made of these

If you're reading this I can only assume you love video games. That, or you saw the name of our website and thought it was more religious than it actually is. That happens, don't feel bad.

If you're one of the video game loving people, you probably know that 2024 and beyond is looking absolutely stacked at this point.

We've finally got a release date for the new Fable, Perfect Dark is back, PlayStation has some awesome surprises, and the new Assassin's Creed and Star Wars games from Ubisoft look unreal.

As someone who's barely scratched the surface of his 2024 backlog, I'm genuinely terrified about everything that's on the way. Hell, Assassin's Creed alone looks like it's going to take the better part of December to finish.

With so much thundering towards us, you may well be wondering how we're supposed to keep up and afford everything coming our way. Fortunately, if you have aSteam account, you currently net yourself a little extra store credit for free.

One little tip I'm very happy to share with you: The Twitter account Free Steam Games regularly shares special limited-time giveaways in which you can bag some bonus store credit, to be used on whatever Steam purchases you choose. It's a trusted account with a lot of very happy winners, so you can get involved knowing it's all above board.

If you fancy getting your mitts on the latest Steam wallet gift card, all you need to do is head here and follow the steps outlined by the account. Just be aware you only have until 13 June to jump in, so be sure you aren't missing out.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Steam, Free Games, Valve, PC