Dying is always an option. It’s not the most viable one, but it can get you out of a tricky situation in a pinch. Of course, succumbing to the ravages of death does end the game for you, which we didn’t think would need explaining, but then one player stepped forward to prove us wrong.
We should add that death wasn’t their first choice when escaping Helgen, however, this particular Skyrim fan was foolhardy in thinking their character was safe from dying. They assumed, like many would, that the tutorial protects you.
Gone are the days when safe rooms are actually safe and tutorials make you immune to the game over screen. Now your poor skills can cost you dearly, not to mention embarrassingly early on.
Certainly paints a different picture to visiting Skyrim for 24 hours... We might just give it a miss
In the OP’s defence, this isn’t their first time playing Bethesda’s iconic RPG, it’s the 17th; for fun, they decided to mess around and see what happens. They got more than they bargained for.
“I just found out you can die in the tutorial,” reads their opening line. Off to a good start. “So I just started my 17th playthrough, and thought it would be fun to just not follow Hadvar or Ralof, and Alduin just bit me to death. Fun.”
At least they have the excuse of just fooling around for kicks, but other gamers have died during the tutorial for less scientific reasons. “My first playthrough was even worse. I missed the jump from the tower, landed in a fire, and burned to death before I could figure out how to jump out of it.” The same Redditor confirmed that they fared better on their second attempt.
Just think how relieved Alduin must have felt – “Alduin realising he killed the dragonborn: ‘...Wait, what? No way. Well, my job just got easier’,” joked one fan, and we love the idea that this reaction happened. It’s now canon for us.
Topics: Skyrim, Bethesda, PC, Steam, The Elder Scrolls, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch