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PlayStation just revived a series we haven't seen in years

PlayStation just revived a series we haven't seen in years

A sight for sore eyes!

We know the Titanic “It’s been 84 years...” meme gets overused, but it feels especially apt for this news: PlayStation has revived an old school series we thought lost.

But there’s a catch. Isn’t there always?

The revival isn’t a game you can play but rather a collectible you can call your own.

Speaking of Sony treats, let's not forget about the Until Dawn remaster coming soon

Some might feel this is an unnecessary and cruel tease, however, we’d say you need to check out said collectible first before making any judgements.

Sly Cooper is one of those franchises we fear will crumble to dust, its legacy along with it.

Before that happens, though, there’s something to download that’ll remind you of this iconic action series: the Sly Cooper Pin.

For 800 points, you can “purchase” this download to show Sony that your love for this retro character is still going strong.

Fans are already talking about this pin, mainly because PlayStation is “bleeding us all dry” with all these attractive downloads.

“Was planning on saving mine but I can’t pass up anything Sly Cooper related!” remarked Redditor TheWarlockGamma upon seeing the pin.

Another user then commented, “I wish we could have them in real life” seemingly referring to the lack of physical enamel pins you can buy.

This isn’t the only gorgeous download that’s become available either – there’s also a Ghost of Tsushima related one that we’re certain many will be trading points for. Best of all, no PS Plus is needed.

If digital collectibles aren’t your thing – even the Sly Cooper ones – maybe crying your eyes out is? A PlayStation Plus free game is guaranteed to tug on the ol’ heart strings.

Not that we want you to cry, of course.

Allow Sly Cooper to live on through this download; this might be the only way we get that long awaited revival, so make the most of it, folks.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation, Sony, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5