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PlayStation Plus free game pushes the PS5 for a truly next-gen experience

PlayStation Plus free game pushes the PS5 for a truly next-gen experience

It's rifts apart from the competition

It’s always a tough decision, choosing what to play next. If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’ve spent longer than you’d like to admit browsing Playstation Plus’ vast catalogue umming and ahhing over what to download.

It’s not because there’s not enough choice - quite the opposite. I’ll land on something, thinking it’s ‘the one’, only for another game to catch my eye seconds later.

This process continues until I have a list of about 10 titles and I don’t know which to commit to. If you’ve ever found yourself in such a predicament, I may be able to ease your game-picking woes by offering up a suggestion.

It’s a recommendation that’s perfect for those of you looking to really see what the PlayStation 5 is capable of.

Add in the fact that it has great mass appeal and I think we’re onto a real winner: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.

Take a look at Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart in action below.

Insomniac Games’ 2022 release is a certified banger, packing platforming and shooter gameplay into one thrilling action-adventure package.

PlayStation 5 owners recently took to Reddit to declare Rift Apart to be one of the PS5’s strongest offerings.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart came out swinging as far as showing the capabilities of a PS5. There really is nothing quite like it. It looks and sounds great, and plays very well mechanically. The raytracing is implemented really well. The haptics are solid. The action set pieces and visual diversity is blockbuster-level s**t,” wrote OpietMushroom.

It’s true. Rift Apart makes excellent use of the DualSense controller’s unique quirks, in addition to offering an all-around entertaining and fun experience.

It’s available on the service’s extra tier catalogue but I would recommend that you sample 2016’s Ratchet & Clank first.

This franchise isn’t exactly known for its narrative complexity, so you could perhaps hop straight into Rift Apart but why miss out on two doses of fun?

Ratchet & Clank is, unfortunately, not on PlayStation Plus but you can pick it up for £15.99.

As for Rift Apart though, that’s free to all extra and premium tier subscribers. With a campaign length of 11 to 18 hours, it’s not too much of a commitment either.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus, Sony, Insomniac Games