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Red Dead Redemption is about to get so much new content

Red Dead Redemption is about to get so much new content

It’s only taken nearly a decade and a half!

Finally, after waiting nearly 15 years, it seems that Rockstar Games is releasing the original Red Dead Redemption on PC and fans can now brace themselves for a wealth of new content.

The original Red Dead Redemption was first released in 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, before becoming backwards compatible on modern consoles as well as benefiting from a Nintendo Switch port. However, 14 years after its original release, it seems that Red Dead Redemption is coming to PC.

Check out the Red Dead Redemption trailer below!

It’s quite baffling to think that it’s taken this long to release Red Dead Redemption on PC when you consider that Red Dead Redemption 2 was released on the platform in 2019 after its PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launch. Better late than never, I suppose.

Of course, Rockstar Games hasn’t officially confirmed that Red Dead Redemption is finally coming to PC, but by all accounts, it’s looking very likely. That being said, if or when it does arrive, fans can look forward to a plethora of much-needed new content thanks to the ever-vibrant modding community.

Responding to a recent Reddit thread, user GoldenDestiny1983 said: “I am interested to see what the modding community can do with the game if it comes out on PC.” Spyroz545 replied: “Yes, I am so excited for the mods,” and it seems much of the Reddit thread shared that sentiment.

One Reddit member said they’d like to see Arthur Morgan in the expansion Undead Nightmare while others said that they’d like to see graphical overhauls benefiting from the likes of glorious ray tracing as well as improved textures and more.

With a bit of luck, Rockstar Games will announce the Red Dead Redemption PC port in the coming days to coincide with Take-Two's latest earnings call and hopefully, it will be worth the 14-year wait. We’ll have our fingers crossed.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Mods, PC, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games