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Lord of the Rings fans stunned by Unreal Engine 5 remake of fan-favourite game

Lord of the Rings fans stunned by Unreal Engine 5 remake of fan-favourite game

Take all our money and give us this remake right now

The Lord of the Rings is a beloved trilogy none of us can get enough of.

From inspired fanfics to fan-made remakes – we keep the lore mill churning to feed our love of Tolkien’s fantastical world.

Among all the different mediums the story has been told through, there’s one fan-favourite title that has imprinted on the fandom, The Lord of the Rings: Conquest.

The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Reimagined looks incredible

This classic 00s adventure wasn’t favoured by critics back in the day, but that didn’t stop fans falling in love with it.

So, imagine their delight at discovering an Unreal Engine 5 remake.

Titled The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Reimagined, the stunning PC project is blowing away fans who’ve been longing for the title’s return.

“I am amazed!” remarked @goldenorbstudios. “I would pay good money for a full game like this I am extremely impressed!”

Another posted, “God damn that’s pretty.”

Despite being in awe of the hard work already done, there are some would-be players who are anxious regarding the fate of this project.

A link to the Conquest Reimagined demo is provided in the trailer caption, yet when you click on it, the site can’t be reached anymore.

This could mean that the project has since been scrapped – which would break our nerdy little hearts – or it could be that the developers have moved the project elsewhere.

We pray it’s the latter.

Still, even if the worst has happened and the remake has been culled, we have its gorgeous showcase to admire. It’s bittersweet for sure, but it might inspire other fans to take up the mantle instead.

All is not lost for fans chomping at the bit for a new adventure, though, as Tales of the Shire promises to deliver a much-needed tale that deviates from the bloody battles we know.

It’s not the remake you’d all hoped for, but at least it’s something. And who knows, Conquest Reimagined might not be dead and buried yet; we certainly hope it isn’t.

Featured Image Credit: ENFANT TERRIBLE – YouTube

Topics: Unreal Engine, PC, The Lord Of The Rings