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GTA 5 free download adds 100 new missions for you to play

GTA 5 free download adds 100 new missions for you to play

This incredible GTA 5 mod adds 100 new missions for you to play and is available to download now.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, modders have my utmost respect. The longevity of titles like Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Grand Theft Auto V can most definitely be partially attributed to the efforts of modders who are constantly breathing new life into these masterpieces.

It’s GTA V that I want to touch on today. While GTA V will always be there for us to go back to, it’s strange to think that this current era will finally draw to a close with the launch of the upcoming GTA VI.

Needless to say, GTA V has served us very well all these years and shall continue to do so with the help of its talented modding community.

There are a wide array of mods out there, from DLC-sized expansions to graphics overhauls.

Whatever you’re after, I’m sure someone has made it but today, I want to draw your attention to a mod that adds over 100 new missions to the game. I bet that’s piqued your interest.

ICYMI: Take a look at the trailer for GTA VI below.

The ‘alebal3 Missions Pack’ is the work of, you guessed it, alebal - a GTA5-mods user. The pack includes a whopping 100 missions for players to sink their teeth into, injecting an old-favourite with a healthy new dose of interest.

“Now you can play with Michael, Franklin, Trevor, Lamar, Lester, Ron, Wade, Amanda, Jimmy, Tracy and many others,” the mod’s description reads.

“You can go into vehicles as a passenger, go inside interiors, open doors, hack PCs and safes, use new vehicles, interact with new characters, and the missions are much more complex and improved thanks to a lot of new features.”

That’s not all. Since the release of the pack, alebal has launched the ‘alebal4 Missions Pack’ which adds a further 90 missions on top of the aforementioned 100.

How is alebal such a mission-creating wizard, I hear you ask? Well, modder aimless is partially to thank for that.

Aimless is the creator of the GTA V ‘Mission Maker’ mod which, quite obviously, allows you to make your own missions - and just so happens to be the tool used by alebal.

You can download all of the mods mentioned for free on GTA5-mods right now which, dare I say it, might even keep you busy until GTA VI arrives.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA 5, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, Mods, PC