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Cyberpunk 2077: CyberAI introduces infinite new quests and content

Cyberpunk 2077: CyberAI introduces infinite new quests and content

In true Cyberpunk fashion, a new mod enables the game’s AI to choose its own dialogue through ChatGPT, we’re really living in 2077 now.

In true Cyberpunk fashion, a new mod enables the game’s AI to choose its own dialogue through ChatGPT, we’re really living in 2077 now.

A few weeks ago we covered a mod for Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, that enabled the game to communicate through ChatGPT. Users could speak into a microphone and have genuine back and forth conversations with the AI characters, showcasing the power AI generated technology could have in gaming.

Now, that same technology is being implemented into CD Projekt Red’s futuristic RPG game, Cyberpunk 2077, adding a variety of new quests and content to the game.

The mod, named CyberAI, is a plug-in for Cyberpunk 2077, that integrates the game with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which can be used by players to create procedurally generated dialogue, missions, and much more, if you're tech-savvy enough to do it.

CyberAI is currently available on NexusMods, and once creators have got their heads around it, almost anything could be possible. New scripts for the game could be implemented to create nearly endless quests, NPC behaviour could be altered, and much much more.

It’s an incredible feature, and one that’s very fitting for the world of Cyberpunk, which is all about pushing the boundaries of technology. That being said, it’s be a real shame if this was the catalyst for an AI takeover, but at least we’d get some funny sidequests out of it.

Cyberpunk 2077 is nearing the end of its redemption journey, after a horrendously disastrous launch, which both the developers and some fans believe to have been too harshly judged. Nevertheless, big things are on the horizon, like the upcoming DLC expansion Phantom Pain, which introduces a suite of new features fans have been asking for since launch day, as well as a whole new story.

Since all of its post-launch support, the game has even managed to claw its way back to positive reviews on Steam, two years after launch.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty will launch later this year, exclusively for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5 and PC.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red

Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, PC, Mods, Xbox, PlayStation