When it comes to awe-inspiring locations, few games do it better than Assassin’s Creed. Say what you want about the games (and believe me, I have a lot to say), wherever the game is set, the graphics always nail the aesthetic perfectly. As demonstrated by a fan who went on an “AC world tour” and compared their photos to in-game footage; needless to say, the devs did good. Real good.
The Redditor named GenericReditUserName has been sharing their journey with fans in instalments, with their latest side-by-side comparison of Siwa Oasis in Egypt wowing gamers. Although you can tell the game apart from real life (what a shocker), Ubisoft captured the atmosphere, textures, tones, and overall cultural architecture of the world they created for us in Origins. As one fan said, “For all of the shortcomings of Assassin's Creed games, this is one thing they've always been amazingly good at creating. It's incredible their level of detail.”
How stunning does AC: Mirage look? Check it out for yourself!
However, while the Egypt photos from their tour were indeed impressive, it’s the comparisons of AC II’s Venice that really blew me away. The graphics of the game, despite it being 14 years old, have really held up in a way few would have anticipated – not that Ubisoft doesn’t deliver graphically, just that it’s fair to say that older games sometimes struggle to stand the test of time, especially when compared with real-life locations.
Even if Mirage ends up being like Valhalla, in that it’s a rubbish AC game but a good RPG, at least we’ll be able to appreciate its spectacular graphics, knowing with full confidence that they are the best they can be. Though, naturally, we want the newest AC title to really hit its stride in a way the franchise hasn't in its last couple of games.
Make sure to check out the other comparisons from this fan’s “AC world tour” because it’s a truly delightful thread amidst a sea of discourse, which is rare on Reddit, so savour it. Cherish it. Keep it safe and make sure to return whenever you need that little pick-me-up. And don’t forget, AC: Mirage launches on 5 October.
Topics: Assassins Creed, Ubisoft