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Payday 3 slammed for delaying essential patch, fans argue game simply wasn't ready for release

Payday 3 slammed for delaying essential patch, fans argue game simply wasn't ready for release

Missed the boat

The Reddit post starts out with a message from Starbreeze, the developers behind the heist game, Payday 3. The game has been struggling since launch and the patch that was considered essential is being delayed, upsetting fans.

The Twitter message reads "Heisters. We're extremely sorry for this, but we've chosen to delay today's planned patch to ensure its stability. The patch needs some changes that would require us to go through console certification again. We hope to be ready to deliver this one for mid-October.'

Fans are not happy.

Payday 3 launched to horrible server woes, preventing many players from experiencing the game as it was designed to be played. Heists can be played with random people or friends because each role on the team is important and coordination can be crucial to successful heists.

The Reddit comments show a blanket of anger across the playerbase. u/introvertedgoof says "Translation: Our game is severely broken and was never ready to begin with." A sentiment expressed by many who believe the game was rushed to make the release date. This is echoed by u/Erasuss, "We have all seen releases delayed, but a patch being delayed on a game that clearly should not have been released, now that's new."

A Twitter user replied directly to the message saying "With all the respect in the world, you guys need to know you got a few apologies left before EVERYBODY is fed up." Starbreeze responded to the user with a heartfelt "We know, this is not what we wanted either." The thread goes on to explain that the patch will now drop "Mid-October."

Starbreeze went on to explain, "[This] is the best we can offer right now without risking further broken promises. We're still working hard to fix the stability and make sure the patch works as it should before pushing it live."

Featured Image Credit: Starbreeze

Topics: PC, PlayStation, Xbox