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Grab 'Mass Effect Legendary Edition' For Free Right Now

Grab 'Mass Effect Legendary Edition' For Free Right Now

Get it while it's hot

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, an epic trilogy that lets you fight, negotiate, and bang your way through the cosmos, is entirely free to download and keep this week.

If you've never played BioWare's beloved sci-fi RPG trilogy, what's wrong with you? 2020's remastered Mass Effect Legendary Edition is easily the definitive way to experience Commander Shepard's seemingly endless fight against the Reaper threat - and it can be yours right now for the low price of nothing at all.

To celebrate the upcoming Amazon Prime Day Amazon is giving away around 30 games entirely free to Amazon Prime members. As always, these offers are only available to paid-up Prime subscribers, and the games can only be redeemed on PC. Sorry, everyone else.

Amazon Prime Day itself will takes place between July 12-13 (so not really a day), and you'll be able to download the following games: GRID Legends, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Need for Speed Heat, Star Wars Jedi Knight – Jedi Academy, Star Wars Jedi Knight II – Jedi Outcast, Star Wars Republic Command10 Second Ninja X, 8Doors: Arum’s Afterlife Adventure, Addling Adventures, Bang Bang Racing, Clouds & Sheep 2, Death Squared, Fatal Fury Special, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Gone Viral, HUE, Manual Samuel, Metal Slug 2, Metal Unit, Pumped BMX Pro, Puzzle of the Year - 10 Pack, Rain World, Road Trip — 3 Pack, Samurai Shodown II, Serial Cleaner, The Crow’s Eye, The Darkside Detective, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2002, and The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor. Phew.

Prime members will be able to find and download the currently available free games from here. Definitely don't miss out on finding out why everybody loves romancing Garrus, and why Ashley Williams is the absolute worst person in space. And that's including the unstoppable AI monsters bent on killing us all.

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: Mass Effect, Free Games