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Ezra Miller Considers Themself The "Messiah," Absolutely Obsessed With Guns

Ezra Miller Considers Themself The "Messiah," Absolutely Obsessed With Guns

A recent report chronicles the actor's concerning behaviour over the years, speaking to those close to them.

A recent report from Vanity Fair has delved into the abject behaviour of actor Ezra Miller over the last two years, revealing their strange obsession with guns and their convictions that they are a messiah instigating the Indigenous revolution.

Speaking to sources close to Miller, their struggle with mental wellbeing has always been a constant in their life, and the onset of the pandemic was a significant trigger for them as well as the turbulence of their parents' divorce. "The thing is, with Ezra, there’s absolutely no plan," said one of the actor's visit to Iceland and the ensuing events. "It’s complete chaos."

In Iceland, Miller was travelling with Jasper Young Bear, a North Dakota medicine man who also acted as the actor's spiritual adviser. A "dear friend" of Miller, a source stated that Young Bear encouraged Miller to see themselves as a messiah figure. "Jasper was telling Ezra that he wasn’t a part of the movement, he was the movement - that he was the next Messiah and that the Freemasons were sending demons out to kill him," explained the source (Miller uses they/them pronouns but apparently does not insist on these if the person is close to them). 

"He’d talk about the metaverse and the medicine and how they’re the Messiah and what his work is here," continued the source. "They say their spiritual practice is to be among the people - which means party. So, when in Iceland, he was out nonstop. His favorite were raves, where he’d go on benders for two or three days at a time." Additionally, the source criticised Miller's preoccupation with young people - they would offer jobs and homes when they were aware that these young people were vulnerable to economic strife, and then never fulfil these promises.

Miller owns a ranch in Vermont where they have offered shelter to those in difficult situations. However, sources voiced their concerns with the number of guns that were in the house and the fact that they weren't kept in a safe place. One person said that they burned sage in the barrel of an AR15, brandishing it while singing. Another report said that a child picked up a bullet that was on the floor and placed it in her mouth. When the guns were locked away in a safe after the altercation with the Ku Klux Klan, Miller spiralled.

"We got there, and there was a big bow and arrow cocked on the table, facing the door. Ezra was lying facedown on the floor," recalled one source. "There’s always people in the house. And there was just nobody there, but Ezra, sort of drunk, alone with a bow and arrow because the other people had taken the guns and locked them away. And Ezra was freaking out about it."

In August, Miller and the executives at Warner Bros. Discovery met to discuss the future of The Flash and apologised for the "negative attention" that the film had suffered due to the headlines about the actor's behaviour. "Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues and have begun ongoing treatment," said Miller in a statement. "I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior. I am committed to doing the necessary work to get back to a healthy, safe and productive stage in my life."

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Topics: TV And Film, Warner Bros