Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith held a lot of epic moments, perhaps none more so than the execution of Order 66 and leagues of Jedi.
The order famously saw Anakin Skywalker slaughter a bunch of innocent kids, plus clone troopers turning on their Jedi commanders.
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Many of us have asked the question, just how many Jedi were killed as a result of the order being given by Palpatine?
During the closing moments of the film, after the order is given, we see plenty of Jedi meet their end, but this happens across the entire galaxy.
Of course, we now know that many Jedi managed to escape and lived lives in hiding, or were dragged out of their exile for various reasons.
Sadly, many Jedi were slain and the exact numbers aren’t really known. It’s not like Palpatine had a target to hit, other than ‘all of them.’
In order to work out how many Jedi died, we need to go back to Star Wars Rebels season one. In an episode called ‘Path of the Jedi’ Kanan Jarrus gives us a rough estimation.
Jarrus tells his apprentice Ezra Bridger there had been a total of around 10,000 Jedi Knights. We know that several high-profile Jedi Knights escaped the fate, including Obi-Wan Kenobi. So, we can assume that a little under 10,000 were killed.
However, Jarrus only mentions Jedi Knights and not padawans or masters. Yoda, of course, got away and he held the rank of master. We saw Anakin kill younglings and other Star Wars shows have referenced the killing of padawans.
This could put the number much higher than 10,000, but if we’re being conservative and taking Jarrus on his word, we can safely say that at least 10,000 Jedi died due to Order 66.
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