There are two types of players: completionists and the rest of us. Which one are you? I’m a bit of both, if that’s even possible. I certainly play with a completionist’s mentality, taking a see-all approach but then I end up losing interest with about 3% of content to go. Whoops. I’m proud to announce though that I do have two Platinum PlayStation trophies to my name. Commendable, I know. Thank you.
Some players though enjoy the clout that comes with having achieved a huge stack of Platinums. If you’ve spent 60 hours scouring every inch of The Nine Realms in God of War then you have my respect, but some people are turning to easier methods. You know, the kind of games where you pay £1 to cross a road and somehow earn a Platinum trophy. Well, Sony has taken note and is looking to crack down on the problem.
Speaking of God of War, take a look at this incredible opening boss fight from Ragnarök below.
As reported by DEX.EXE, PlayStation has reportedly sent out a letter to all developers which notes that shovelware, reskinned games, or games designed purely to give people Platinum trophies will soon be shadowbanned or delisted.
Sony began, “SIE strives to ensure that customers can search and discover the full breadth of experiences on PlayStation, and that partners have a fair means of being discovered. When partners oversaturate or ‘spam’ PlayStation Store with many variants of the same type of content, it can negatively impact both the customer and partner experience.”
Sony noted that the following would henceforth be indicated as spam, “Products whose functionality and/or assets are copied or are not meaningfully different from products already published on PlayStation Store [and] multiple concepts and product variants, published by individual partners, that have duplicative functionality or experiences.”
They later pointed out, “Supplying different trophies for each product is not enough to differentiate content.” It’s a fair point. Platinum trophies are designed to earned.
Topics: PlayStation, Sony