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Red Dead Redemption 2 players urged to travel to hidden island that'll make you rich

Red Dead Redemption 2 players urged to travel to hidden island that'll make you rich

It's time to get rich

Playing as an outlaw, one of your goals in Red Dead Redemption 2 is to make money so you can be the only one to add it to the camp funds.

Now thanks to one player’s discovery, there is a new way to rack up that gold and enjoy a little getaway at the same time.

Check out the trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 below!

With Red Dead Redemption 2 being out for almost six years, it is no wonder that players have found a variety of different ways to make money.

From fishing and hunting to treasure maps and hoarding those gold bars, there is always a way to earn enough money, whether legitimately or not.

However, according to players over on r/RDR2, a series of islands on Flat Iron Lake hold a plethora of riches.

This discovery kicked off after one player posted a screenshot of RDR2’s map asking “anything doing on these islands?”

It wasn’t long before helpful fans showed up and revealed that these unmarked islands are actually home to “a hat, a trinket, a lizard, some birds that only spawn in a few places, some pirate rum, some loot, and a bunch of crabs” as well as an iguana which offers quite a bit of profit.

To get there, they also recommend using a horse with high enough stamina to swim across the islands or even a canoe.

Additionally, if you set up a campsite, it will automatically teleport both you and your horse back to the mainland.

With creatures no bigger than a fox on the island, arrows are key if you wish to take down any animal life. This will be especially worth it as it features one animal whose skin can only be found on that very island.

This just goes to show that every inch of Red Dead Redemption 2’s map was meant to be explored with Rockstar leaving no stone unturned.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games