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'Red Dead Redemption 2' Gets New Graphical Overhaul, Makes It Even More Beautiful

'Red Dead Redemption 2' Gets New Graphical Overhaul, Makes It Even More Beautiful

No man is strong enough to resist a silhouetted Arthur Morgan against a golden sunset screenshot.

A gorgeous new graphical mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 has swept us off our feet and onto horseback, riding off into the sunset with a grizzled yet gentle outlaw by our side. Alright, so it's not that good, but it does make this beautiful game even more beautiful, which is one heck of an achievement.

Before you touch up its looks, the game is already significant for its realistic representation of the waning Wild West in the late 19th century. Not only did the art team travel to the real life locations that the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 was built from, they also sourced inspiration from landscape painters like Rembrandt, Albert Bierstadt, Frank Johnson, and Charles Russell for those magical, liminal moments that players experience while in the middle of nowhere.

Check out these intensely comical wins and fails from the American Frontier below!

To really hammer this point home, both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2 have integrated into the reading list of a college course for American history at the University of Tennessee. It's nigh unbelievable that a game that looks this good already could look even more impressive, but modder Razed Mods has gone above and beyond.

Visual Redemption is still a work in progress, mind, and addresses shadow distance in each weather, intensity of heat haze, bloom render on lights, improves water reflections, fixes moon positioning and much more. That moody and rainy St Denis shot is incredible and I'd argue that no man's willpower is strong enough to resist a silhouetted Arthur Morgan against a golden sunset screenshot. You can download Razed Mods graphical overhaul here along with a number of other mods for Dying Light, Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy.

Featured Image Credit: Take-Two Interactive

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Mods