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Red Dead Online straight-up reusing last year's Halloween event

Red Dead Online straight-up reusing last year's Halloween event

Red Dead Online is reusing last year's halloween event after Rockstar essentially confirmed that they're done with the game.

Can I get a sad yeehaw? This hasn’t been the greatest year for Rockstar’s Red Dead Online. In case you missed it, fans previously launched a #SaveRedDeadOnline campaign after the game went more than a year without any kind of real content update. Unfortunately, fans' efforts were in vain as Rockstar essentially confirmed that they’re done with Red Dead Online.

Putting the ‘dead’ in Red Dead, fans held an in-game funeral but the game isn’t truly dead in a typical sense. You can still play Red Dead Online. Just don’t expect to see anything new - a fact which this year’s halloween event is certainly proving.

Take a look at some of our favourite Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails below.

It’s spooky time again in Red Dead Online but, as reported by The Gamer, Rockstar are reusing last year’s halloween pass and events. We can’t be too surprised. After all, Rockstar warned us not to expect any “major themed content updates like in previous years.” It’s all well and good if you missed out on last year’s halloween festivities but I can’t imagine that applies to too many players.

The Halloween Pass 2 includes 15 ranks which’ll reward players with the same bonus’ as last year. There’s the goggle mask, golden creature mask, demonic Helier jacket … you get it. It’s the exact same fare.

If you did experience last year’s halloween pass, the good news is that your progress resumes so you don’t have to start the pass from scratch - and there is one new bonus. If you complete the pass or if you completed it last year, you’ll get a new hired gun kit. This includes a Fierro bandana, bundles of ammo and consumables, and Capitale valued at five gold bars. It’s not much but hey, it’s something.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games