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PS5 owners say console has 'rekindled' their love for gaming

PS5 owners say console has 'rekindled' their love for gaming

PlayStation 5 owners are praising the console on Reddit, stating that the system has 'rekindled' their love for gaming.

I’m sure we all know the feeling of video game burnout, whether it be a lack of time to play the latest games or not feeling in the mood to sit down and play. But PlayStation players are saying that their console has ‘rekindled’ their love of gaming for several reasons.

Since the PS5’s launch in 2020, it’s treated gamers to a wide range of exclusive games, advanced controller features, accessories like PSVR2, and its multi-tier subscription service PlayStation Plus.

The console has also greatly outperformed the competition, selling over 30 million units by 2023. In comparison, the Xbox Series X/S has reportedly sold over 20 million units, despite being released around the same time as the PS5.

Recently, PS5 players took to Reddit to discuss their experiences with the next-gen console so far, with many agreeing that it has significantly improved their love for gaming.

User Main_Tree_6769 created a post on the official PS5 subreddit, asking: “Has anyone else’s love for gaming been rekindled by the PS5? The last time I felt this way with a console was way back with the PS2.”

Fellow PS5 owners quickly shared their thoughts, with many agreeing that the console has done wonders for their love of gaming for a variety of reasons.

Razometer said: “Absolutely. One of my biggest irritants for the past few years had been loading times. I just want to sit down and play a game, not spend 30% of my time watching loading screens.

“Now, with my ps5, I sit down and play. It's exactly what I want.”

Another user by the name of Content-Trick-163 drew comparisons to another beloved Sony console, the PlayStation 2, saying “PS5 feels like the reincarnation of the PS2.” The PS2 is still looked back on fondly, often being regarded as ahead of its time, especially for its graphics and extensive game library.

JodieHolmes62 believes that the current generation as a whole is responsible for the rejuvenation, stating: “Love my PS5 and Series X. To me it's the best generation for gaming in a long time.”

The PS5 has obviously made quite an impression on gamers, and with more upcoming exclusives like Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Death Stranding 2, its momentum doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus, Sony, PS VR2