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Fallout 5 move over, we're getting a new post-apocalyptic RPG set in the UK

Fallout 5 move over, we're getting a new post-apocalyptic RPG set in the UK

A very British apocalypse

During yesterday's Xbox Games Showcase, we got a trailer for a new post-apocalyptic title set in Britain. It featured rolling countryside, red telephone boxes, and a good old-fashioned British pub. Oh, and monsters.

Atomfall is the latest game from Rebellion, the studio known for its Sniper Elite titles. The trailer was quite something to behold and it made us forget all about Fallout.

Atomfall is an apocalyptic trip through the British countryside.

Opening the trailer, we get to see a proper British countryside village and people going about their business while ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ plays on in the background.

A pause in the music coincides with the landscape looking torn and, heaven forbid, a red telephone box in disarray. This is a post-apocalyptic game where I hope you regen health by having a cup of sugary tea.

Rebellion has always done well merging action and environment and giving their games a sense of place. Using Britain as a backdrop for an action game filled with maniacal robots, cults, and a weird blue-glowing monster, will appeal to so many.

It’s not often we get to see Britain take centre stage in a game, let alone one with action like this. My personal favourite moment, despite the reveals of some gorgeous environments was seeing someone use a cricket bat as a melee weapon, and watching a guy with a pointed police hat, wrapped in barbed wire, fight off a killer robot.

If this is a sense of the humour and pointed appreciation of British culture we’re getting, then Atomfall is at the top of my list of games to watch.

Though, to be honest, those tracking shots of eerie underground lairs and cult symbols were awesome. I can’t wait to stroll about the hills and meadows thumping cult members. I do hope the telephone boxes are save points.

Featured Image Credit: Rebellion

Topics: Xbox, Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Fallout