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Tony Hawk's Underground gets stunning Unreal Engine 5 remake

Tony Hawk's Underground gets stunning Unreal Engine 5 remake

Tony Hawk’s Underground has never looked better thanks to Unreal Engine 5, and it’s screaming for a proper remaster.

Tony Hawk’s Underground has never looked better thanks to Unreal Engine 5, and it’s screaming for a proper remaster.

Now I’m not a fan of sports games, but I’ve always had a soft spot for a good skateboarding game, probably because I can’t skate in real life without flying head-first into a wall.

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That being said, no series has done it better than Tony Hawk, and how could they not when they’re endorsed by the man himself?

While the majority of them play almost the same, albeit with various changes and switch-ups to gameplay, boards and levels, everyone has their favourite, and while mine is still Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2, I can’t deny Tony Hawk’s Underground is a quality entry in itself.

Clearly someone shares my opinion too, as they’ve painstakingly remastered the game with the magic of Unreal Engine 5.

I say remaster because the models and gameplay have been left unchanged, it’s just had a fresh coat of paint added in, but that’s not to say it doesn’t look fantastic. You honestly don’t need to change the gameplay that much as it's aged quite well, so cranking the graphical quality up as far as you can is all you need to make this game worth playing again.

Unfortunately, you can’t play this version as it’s not been made public, but that isn’t to say it won’t be downloadable in the future. Who knows, maybe a genuine remake will surface one day, or better yet, a full-on sequel to scratch that skating itch.

Nevertheless, it’s an impressive remaster, and one that deserves more attention. Unreal Engine 5 has been a godsend when it comes to showcasing some of these old titles with a fresh perspective and is the best chance we have of preserving them for future gamers.

Now if you excuse me, I need to go out and buy a skateboard, which will probably be broken in half an hour after buying it, such is life.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Unreal Engine