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Steam makes gorgeous fantasy RPG free to download and keep for all

Steam makes gorgeous fantasy RPG free to download and keep for all

Don't miss out on this epic adventure

RPG players everywhere are in for a treat, thanks to Steam making a hugely popular title free.

Be warned though, the sands of time are already slipping away, meaning you shouldn’t delay if you want to grab this free game.

But what game should you be rushing to download? None other than Endless Legend.

“Dive into Endless Legend and you're not just playing a strategy game; you're stepping into a visual novel where every hex is a brushstroke. This game turns typical 4X strategy on its head with a design so sharp, it makes HD look passé,” reads one Steam review.

See for yourselves how gorgeous Endless Legend is

That’s quite the commentary. Yet, it’s by no means the only one praising the fantasy adventure.

Despite launching back in 2014, this PC game has amassed “very positive” scores on Steam from those who’ve already led their people to victory.

Another post reads, “Endless Legend is a lovely game with deep strategy that's a singular pleasure to play, but can sometimes disappoint you in finer details.” They add, “Know that if you're never going to play multiplayer, you're not getting the whole experience – so bring a friend."

Oh yes, if you prefer to adventure with a merry band of warriors, Endless Legend is well suited to such a team activity.

Normally, this RPG retails at £23.79 on Valve’s platform. Thankfully, that price has been done away with until 23 May.

That’s right: you’re on a strict and rather tight deadline here.

Once the clock hits 6pm on the 23 May, you’ll find the full price staring back at you. Ergo, acting sooner rather than later is advised.

We’re loathe to use the tired “winter is coming” line from Game of Thrones, but it’s extremely apt for Endless Legend; change is needed or people will perish.

They’re crying out for a hero – are you what they seek?

Featured Image Credit: SEGA, Valve

Topics: Steam, Valve, PC, Sega