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Steam users blown away by hidden features we wish we'd known years ago

Steam users blown away by hidden features we wish we'd known years ago

Did you know you can do this on Steam?

There are millions of Steam users out there nowadays, whether it’s via PC or Valve’s Steam Deck but many of us simply use the platform a certain way, not knowing that there are various hidden tricks.

However, years ago, one user created a godly document that breaks down a bunch of little tips and tricks to making the platform work better for its users.

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The guide points out, via some cheeky manipulation, ways to customise your profile to show new images, hide certain details, and even add any games to your profile’s showcase.

The guide, which is hosted on Steam itself, features handy step-by-step instructions to these hidden tricks and each one will give you a better sense of control over your experience.

Many of these features are super simple to follow, like adding your country’s flag to your profile by adjusting some profile settings, while others take a bit more work and require some precise inputs.

It’s interesting to see what’s possible under the hood of the most popular PC storefront, though thankfully, over the years we’ve seen Valve offer up lots of options to make Steam a better platform through things like the Points Shop which offers animated avatars, profile themes, and much more.

Perhaps one of the best tricks within the guide is the ability to hide your most recently played games. This is handy for so many reasons and it’s a feature that Valve has never really shouted about.

With the introduction of the Steam Deck, which is already highly customisable, there’s hope that Valve will update some of Steam’s backend to allow for more tips and tricks in the future. Given that the company frequently updates Steam, there’s always a chance some of these tips could stop working, so do be aware.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Steam, PC