Steam has another big festival showcase going on at the moment, and it’s highlighting the laziest way to play games - the ‘idler’.
Known for its often cosy aesthetics, the idle genre is relatively chill, with plenty of hands-off moments, and Steam has plenty of free demos you can download.
If you want more cosy adventures, we heartily recommend some time with Hello Kitty Island Adventure
You can find the whole page filled with lots of games to dive into and try out, many of which are discounted as part of the festival.
Out of all of them, Garden Galaxy is my favourite, which I picked up yesterday as it landed in the sale.
I’m a sucker for the clean visuals, block vibes, and picturesque scenes that can be created. There’s a demo available on the store page, so check it out.
Chillquarium looks like a happy good time, too. With the opportunity to create your own diverse fish tank and fill it with all kinds of aquatic life.
It’s colourful, cosy, and charming, offering countless fish that can be raised, then kept or sold off for a small profit.
If I had to identify as any kind of animal, it would be a cat, but likely a fat cat who exists only to eat and sleep.
Which is why Chonkers seems to be a great game for those with the same mindset.
A game about adopting cats and kittens will always win hearts, and there are all kinds of breeds here to care for.
Some of them are hecking chonky, too.
The last game to catch my eye is Pegidle, which is a more idle version of Peggle.
Perhaps not so relaxing as each video on the Steam page is a frenetic cascade of balls falling through playing fields onto pegs in an ASMR feast for the senses.
Go over to Steam and check out some of these games, with plenty of free demos to keep you busy!
Topics: PC, Steam, Indie Games