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Red Dead Redemption 2's ending has a heartbreaking secret you definitely missed

Red Dead Redemption 2's ending has a heartbreaking secret you definitely missed

Please, no more... We can't handle this kind of pain

Our eyes were still bloodshot from all the tears we’ve cried over this game... and then someone finds a heartbreaking secret that has just reaching for our hankies.

Red Dead Redemption 2 just won’t release us from this pain.

Rockstar Games’ title has given us some fantastic memories, but it also has us ugly crying faster than any Taylor Swift album can.

If you don’t believe us, just take a look at the latest secret that has left fans sobbing on their sofas.

Just a quick FYI: don’t read further if you've not finished or played the game (but you intend to).

Let's lighten the mood with some Red Dead Redemption 2 epic wins and fails

“Just noticed that after if you camp in old camp sites like Horseshoe Overlook at the epilogue, you can hear faint sounds of singing and laughter when you wake up [...] Damn this game is breaking my heart.”

For anyone who can read that and not get upset, your heart has turned to stone.

As if that wasn’t distressing enough, one player had the unfortunate moment of experiencing this while already in the throes of grief.

“Yeah, doesn't help I did this while visiting all the grave of the fallen members of the gang. A+ to Rockstar for kicking my heart like that. Well done,” shared a fan.

To give us all a little bit of respite from this searing emotional pain, let’s look at an open-world event that one player uncovered after 500 hours. They were blessed to experience this.

Having discovered both heartbreaking secrets and joyous moments alike, it’s time for us to look forward to Red Dead Redemption 3, which is apparently going to be another prequel.

By all means, find the sorrowful secret the OP mentioned. However, be sure to line up something wholesome for you to enjoy afterwards.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, PC