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Red Dead Redemption 2 fans discover Jack Marston had a wild life after the games

Red Dead Redemption 2 fans discover Jack Marston had a wild life after the games

Red Dead Redemption 2 players realise just how much world history Jack Marston will have seen throughout his life.

Red Dead Redemption 2 players realise just how much world history Jack Marston will have seen throughout his life.

Despite being a Wild West series, the Red Dead Redemption games take place towards the end of an important era in US history.

Check out Red Dead Redemption 2 below

You can actually learn all about the time of cowboys through an audiobook voiced by Roger Clark, who reprised his role as Arthur to teach the history of games in-character.

By the end of Red Dead Redemption, which is the end of the series' timeline depending on when Red Dead Redemption 3 is set, we see John Marston perish and pave the way for his son Jack to live a free life.

Recently fans on Reddit realised that because he was born in 1895, if he’d lived to be 100 he’d have seen “Elvis, The Beatles, the moon landing, Star Wars, AC/DC, and Nirvana,” just to name a few things.

Other fans took this idea and ran with it, with one saying their grandmother was born in 1895 too, meaning every time they play they can “imagine playing in a time when she was 4 years old. Crazy!”

Another pointed out that if Jack Marston lived to be 100 he’d have also seen “the rise and fall of the Soviet Union (Cold War era at least).”

Finally, one added “another fun train of thought to go with this, Indiana Jones was born in 1899 and that last film was set in 1969. He and Jack would've lived through the same times.”

It is wild to think about, though it also suggests that if Rockstar Games is to continue the series (which it definitely will) the next game may have to take the timeline back even further, potentially predating the Van Der Linde gang entirely.

Other ideas are a spin-off title starring Sadie Sadler, which would also be a great shout for a sequel/prequel.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games