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PlayStation Plus users share urgent money-saving tip everyone should know

PlayStation Plus users share urgent money-saving tip everyone should know

Time for a PlayStation Plus upgrade

Everyone wants to save a little money here and there, right? Especially in this cost of living crisis we still find ourselves in. When it comes to games, every penny saved can be a huge help when there’s seemingly banger after banger released each month.

Some very helpful soul over on Reddit has recommended a way to save yourself some money when buying your PlayStation Plus subscription and everyone should know about it.

PlayStation Plus Premium is the only tier that allows for cloud streaming.

The Reddit thread began as a PSA to all PlayStation users saying, “For those of you buying Premium at the discounted price, it will cost less to buy Extra first, then upgrade to Premium.” The user, u/freestuffrocker, pointed out that “since the 41% is the higher discount, taking that path and then using the 33% to upgrade will make it so that Premium only cost $96 instead of $107.”

It’s simple maths, but perhaps not something that comes to everyone when they’re buying their subscriptions, so it’s well worth knowing, especially if you want access to those older PlayStation games that only come with a Premium subscription.

Of course, plenty of people were praising the maths and the original poster of the comment, “This is why math is important in school! Every $ helps!” says one user, while another commented, “[Thanks] for pointing this out.”

With three tiers of PlayStation Plus available, the top rung, Premium, comes with a lot more for your money including a catalogue of retro titles from PlayStation to PlayStation 3, as well as cloud streaming. If you’ve been eyeing up the PlayStation Portal as of late, you’ll need the Premium tier in order to play games on the new streaming handheld, so this is well worth knowing. Next time you’re ready to subscribe, consider the discounts before jumping in, saving those few pounds means a lot nowadays.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Sony, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus