PlayStation Plus users are finally giving this 2019 PlayStation title a go, and a lot of folks are suddenly confused as to why they’d never given it a go beforehand.
Over on the r/PlayStationPlus subreddit, one user is keen for others to try out one of PlayStation Plus Extra’s most overlooked titles in a thread simply titled “Play. Death. Stranding.”
“The beginning can be a drag but the more you play, it becomes an amazing adventure,” commented user wolfblitzer69.
“I played a couple hours then put it down for a year. Came back and finished it, wished I had just stuck with it from the beginning.”
“Very polarizing game for sure. It 100% clicked for me,” replied user Juicebox008.
“I loved it and got the platinum. Definitely not a perfect game but incredibly unique.”
Death Stranding was the first title that Kojima Productions ever developed and originally launched as a PlayStation 4 exclusive back in 2019.
It caught a lot of flak when it first came out for being what some have referred to as a “walking simulator”, as the majority of the gameplay simply revolves around carrying goods from one end of the map to the other.
Now, personally, I wasn’t exactly enamoured with Death Stranding when I played it… but I will say that I still think the comments are pretty spot on here.
While I didn’t enjoy the game myself, you do need to give it a solid two hours before you write it off entirely.
The game only truly locks in around the three or four-hour mark, once you begin to unlock more options for traversing the map and when the story starts to get more entertainingly ridiculous.
It’s a great example of a game that works exceptionally well on PlayStation Plus, because I could see a lot of people buying it at full price and hating it. Definitely a game that you should find a way to try before you buy.
Topics: Playstation Plus, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation, Sony