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Ghost Of Tsushima 2 may be hitting PlayStation 5 sooner than we expected

Ghost Of Tsushima 2 may be hitting PlayStation 5 sooner than we expected

Try not to get your hopes up, but things might be looking up for this sequel

Despite Sony confirming no big game launches will happen in 2024, it appears we could still be getting releases from well established IPs. As a result, Ghost of Tsushima 2 could be on its way to a PlayStation near you.

The first game was nothing short of a masterpiece, and as such, any sequel will be hyped up long before a full length trailer is in sight. However, when Sony declared that 2024 would be a barren year, at least for major franchises, we feared a 2024 timeframe for Ghost of Tsushima 2 was unreasonable.

But that might not be the case, after all. Author and games designer, Jeff Grubb, claims that “other unannounced games from established IPs” are still destined for launch this year. What those IPs are is anyone’s guess – besides the folks at Sony – however, it does offer a glimmer of hope that the likes of Ghost of Tsushima will hit PS5 sooner than we anticipated doesn’t seem far-fetched.

Naturally though, caution with this kind of claim is advised. Even more so given the fact that, when pressed, Grubb didn’t clarify any further on what his ambiguous tweet meant.

Whether Ghost of Tsushima qualifies as a franchise is currently being debated by fans as they try to decide whether the sequel could be on its way this year. Many had believed a 2024 release for the sequel “plausible” before Sonys’ CEO made their comments, and so with “established IPs” firmly on the table, it could still be plausible.

Still, before we get such a sequel, whenever its launch actually is, Rise of the Ronin is hitting consoles first. Most people are looking for this Ghost of Tsushima-style game, however, there are millions who won’t have access to this PS5 exclusive.

It would seem that game releases are becoming a double edged sword: whenever positive news comes, it’s always swiftly followed by negative. Keeping that in mind, let’s not get carried away believing that Ghost of Tsushima 2 is guaranteed for 2024.

Featured Image Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Topics: PlayStation, Ghost Of Tsushima, Sony, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4

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