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Free PlayStation 5 giveaway ends in riot and injury

Free PlayStation 5 giveaway ends in riot and injury

All chaos broke loose when a PlayStation 5 giveaway event took place over the weekend.

We all love free giveaways, right? Of course, we do! Well, within reason, as I’m sure you wouldn't inflict a copy of Ride to Hell: Retribution on to your worst enemy (Google it).

What’s more, despite the chance of receiving a free PlayStation 5 console, in a giveaway that ends with mass riot and injury, probably isn't the most ideal of scenarios, no matter how desperate one might be to get their hands on the latest video game console.

Check out our review of the PlayStation 5 below!

As reported by, the giveaway in question was allegedly organised by YouTuber and Twitch streamer Kai Cenat, who has over four million subscribers and over six million followers respectively, was charged with inciting a riot and unlawful assembly when attempting to organise a PlayStation 5 giveaway over the weekend. The event resulted in absolute bedlam in New York City that would put even beehives to shame.

A mass crowd gathered in Manhattan’s Union Square on Friday 4 August 2023 in the hope of claiming Sony’s latest console for free. Unfortunately, the event certainly did not go according to plan and the public relations company that helped organise the event on behalf of Kai Cenat issued an apology in a statement.

“We are deeply disheartened by the outbreak of disorderly conduct that affected innocent people and businesses and does not condone that behaviour,” read the statement.

Reports claim that ‘several hundred’ hopefuls gathered in Union Square, but when chaos broke loose, barricades were allegedly torn down and objects were thrown. It is claimed that at least seven attendees were injured with 66 arrests being made.

In a reasonably safe giveaway, PlayStation Plus subscribers can play a game considered to be one of the greatest ever made right now, and while not free, a big PS5 price cut has resulted in a massive increase in sales.

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is available to purchase at your favourite retailers now.

Featured Image Credit: Sony/Capcom

Topics: Real Life, PlayStation 5, Sony