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GTA Vice City 2 fan trailer hits us square in the childhood

GTA Vice City 2 fan trailer hits us square in the childhood

Help, our hearts hurt now

It’s been 22 years since GTA: Vice City launched, and we’re still as deeply invested in the characters as we were when we first met them.

This is why we’ve been reduced to an emotional mess while watching this GTA: Vice City 2 fan-made concept trailer.

Not only do we feel old watching it, but it also stirs up childhood memories of us playing this Rockstar Games title for the very first time.

GTA VI is the next instalment to release.

“Man, this video made me so emotional. It’s like revisiting a part of my life, my entire childhood and the first GTA game I ever played,” the first YouTube comment reads.

Further down the comments section, someone else posted, “It’s crazy. I haven’t played Vice City in more than 15 years, and I still remember exactly where everything is and could easily navigate that city by muscle memory.”

They added, “Great game, great music, great voice cast, and great plot.”

It truly is one of those titles that still delivers despite its age.

Even if GTA VI proves to be everything we’ve hoped for and then some, it still won’t manage to capture that special spark that Vice City did.

Most likely, this is due to how fresh GTA still felt in 2002 as opposed to now, where it’s discussed in every other conversation.

We thought the Unreal Engine remake of Bully hit us in the feels, but this fan-made GTA project has got to us way more.

“Wow I love this. This really captures the sad parts of the after story that exists but not many people really think or talk about it,” YouTuber @ani_mesh explained, and they’re spot on: we don’t think about after.

Tommy’s story was a brutal one, and as such, the aftermath would be far from idyllic. It would arguably be lonely.

Now, if it’s okay with you, we need to go and watch some silly cat videos to help with how much our heart hurts right now.

Featured Image Credit: TeaserPlay – YouTube

Topics: GTA, GTA 6, Rockstar Games, GTA 5, GTA Online, PC, Take-Two