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GTA 6 fans hope to see a horrifying Red Dead Redemption 2 feature return

GTA 6 fans hope to see a horrifying Red Dead Redemption 2 feature return

GTA VI feels like a world away, but that hasn't stopped and from putting together their feature wishlists.

GTA VI still feels like a world away, but we’re slowly crawling closer to the release date even if we don’t know exactly what it is.

In the meantime fans have been analysing the trailer for any details they might have missed, pitching theories on when the game could launch, and putting together their own wishlists of features they’re hoping to see in the full game.

Take a look at the first official trailer for GTA VI below

While brainstorming features that might make their way into the game, many have drawn inspiration from Rockstar’s greatest game to date, Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s easy to see why considering the game is utter perfection, especially with its dynamic, open world that’s still better than anything modern releases have put out since.

Out of all the open world details and gameplay elements that Rockstar Games could put into GTA VI, one that really stands out are the psychopaths. These are disturbing NPCs you can encounter in Red Dead Redemption 2, with one of the more famous examples being the vampire of Saint Denis.

Fans agree as well, with one creating a post on Reddit saying they “hope there are some serial killers in the game” for the player to track down and eliminate.

Others agreed, with many saying there needs to be more dynamic open world encounters for players to come across to make exploration worth doing.

“That's the beauty of these open world games. The discovery. The little stories we come across. It's always great when you're fully immersed in a game and you come across something absolutely incredible.”

“I would honestly kinda feel insulted if we didn't have a mass murderer running around the city. Little side job detective? Little bit of LA Noire in my GTA? Hell yeah.”

“When I played Red Dead Redemption 2 felt so immersed because of these kind of random events, can't imagine what they are cooking for us in GTA VI.”

With the sheer size and scale of GTA VI’s open world, it’d be a no brainer for Rockstar to include several mysteries to solve.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA 6, Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2

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