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BioShock 4 announcement roasted by increasingly frustrated fans

BioShock 4 announcement roasted by increasingly frustrated fans

Can't even fault them

As someone who only recently got into the BioShock games I now share the pain fans are feeling.

BioShock 4, assuming that’s what it’s going to be called, is the long-awaited follow-up to the series that’s been in development hell for years now, a shame for a series once so renowned.

Some would argue the series’ decline started with BioShock Infinite, I don’t agree, but to each their own

Details on the game are few and far between, probably because the story has been re-written several times at this point.

What we do know is it’ll take us to a new location rather than below the series or above the clouds. This time around we’ll be exploring a civilisation built in Antartica, but shielded from the elements outside.

It’s not the most exciting venue in my opinion but I’ll take what I can get at this point, and it seems like fans will as well.

Many have been drawing attention to when the game was first discussed online, around five years ago.

Five years later there’s still nothing to see, but fans think 2025 might finally provide us with the reveal we’ve been waiting for, or better yet, the game’s launch. The latter point is wishful thinking on my part but still, it’d be a nice surprise

A Reddit thread compiled fan thoughts and opinions on BioShock 4, with one saying they’re merely hoping it “comes out some time” and isn’t cancelled altogether.

Others were a bit more understanding of the developers’ part, with one saying they’d rather 2K Games “took its time with this franchise, Even if it took another full year” of development.

Rounding off the fan opinions, one more realistic fan reminded us that there are “a ton of job openings still on their [2K Games] website” so it’s not looking promising we’ll say that much.

Hold onto your hope though BioShock fans, we’ll get that sequel sooner or later, the question is will it be worth the wait?

Featured Image Credit: 2K Games

Topics: Bioshock, 2K Games, Xbox, PlayStation, PC