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No Man's Sky getting huge 7th anniversary update

No Man's Sky getting huge 7th anniversary update

No Man's Sky is bigger and better than ever!

If there was ever a game that is a prime example of a phoenix rising from the ashes, it’s No Man’s Sky from Hello Games.

Following its reveal in 2013, there was a lot of hype surrounding No Man’s Sky. Unfortunately, when No Man’s Sky was released in August 2016, to say that its launch was woeful, would be an understatement. Missing features, broken promises and a procedurally generated universe that felt as soulless as an asset flip sold on the Nintendo Switch eShop.

Check out the No Man's Sky seventh anniversary trailer below!

However, after seven years and many updates, No Man’s Sky is a very different game indeed. In short, No Man’s Sky is not only the game that Hello Games had promised all those years ago, but it has exceeded the expectations of many. Not that its poor launch and broken promises are excused, but at least the developers worked hard to deliver on its promise and then some. The game even managed to turn its negative Steam reviews into ‘Mostly Positive’.

Now, in celebration of the seventh anniversary, Hello Games is releasing a massive update packed full of new content and features. At this time, we don’t know exactly what will be included in the ‘Echoes’ update, but details are promised to drop next week.

“I've been working on this game for nearly a third of my life, and it's been more successful than we ever planned or dreamed,” said Hello Games founder Sean Murray in the seventh-anniversary video. “It hasn't always been easy, but the thing that has been our guiding star throughout has been the players and the community.”

Murray then teases that there’s “still a lot we want to try, so much we are still excited for”, and with the Echoes update on the horizon “Our journey continues. Thank you so much for your support.”

No Man’s Sky is out now for PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.

Featured Image Credit: Hello Games

Topics: No Mans Sky, PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch