It’s a very exciting time at the moment for Star Wars fans. As well as the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi being well on its way, we’ve also got a whole host of games on the horizon. It’s two weeks today until the release of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (which is looking amazing by the way), and an unspecified, but probably massive amount of weeks from Star Wars Eclipse, which apparently might not be coming out until 2027. Okay, so maybe that part's a bit less exciting.
Hopefully in the not-so-distant future though is the Jedi: Fallen Order sequel, which was officially announced back in late January. We don’t really know anything about it yet, other than the fact that it’s being made by Respawn Entertainment, who also developed the original. However, it sounds like we could be hearing a lot more quite soon.
For a little throwback, check out the reveal trailer for the first Jedi: Fallen Order game below.
According to insider Jeff Grubb, we’ll definitely be seeing it shown off at Star Wars Celebration this year. Most fans probably would have guessed that anyway, but it’s still nice to hear it: “We’re going to hear about that in May at Star Wars Celebration, is when that’s coming, so keep an eye out for that, because that’s where it’s happening - 100%,” he said, speaking on his YouTube channel last week.
He was also asked about the potential release window for the game, which he was much more vague about: “I can’t remember, I feel like I’ve talked about this before and now I can’t remember what I said. I think it’s probably not this year, probably early next year,” he said. “Dragon Age 4 is 18 months away, Dead Space was almost later this year, but then they moved it and they confirmed that and now that’s early 2023, so Jedi Fallen Order 2 later this year could almost make sense. Let me ask, and I’ll see what I can find, because I feel like I did have the answer and I just forgot.”
So, that bit isn’t overly helpful, but we’ll have to stay tuned to see what answer he comes back with. Prior to the official announcement, another prominent insider, Tom Henderson, claimed that Fallen Order 2 is expected to release in Q4 2022, so there is definitely hope for it to come out by the end of the year. Do keep in mind that this is all unofficial information though, so take it with a generous pinch of salt.
Topics: Star Wars, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order