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Does Hogwarts Legacy have romance options?

Does Hogwarts Legacy have romance options?

Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us, so perhaps we’ll find some romance in Hogwarts Legacy.

Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us and if we can't find some romance in the real world, perhaps we’ll find some romance in Hogwarts Legacy.

As escapism from real life, it’s often nice to get cosy up with a smoochy storyline in our favourite movies, TV series, novels and of course, video games. So hopefully, Hogwarts Legacy will be no exception.

So the question remains, does Hogwarts Legacy have romance options? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is, no! Where’s a Chris Tucker booo when you need it?

While you can forge friendships in Hogwarts Legacy, which will result in those friendly NPCs joining you on missions, that’s as close to getting a romantic storyline as you’re going to get in this Wizarding World adventure.

In an interview with GamePro (thanks CharlieIntel) from January 2023, Game Designer Kelly Murphy and Narrative Lead Moira Squier, explained that to have a romance storyline in Hogwarts Legacy would be “difficult to manage” given the fact that the main character is 15. Which is fair. However, it’s a shame a tasteful and charming high-school romance wasn't an option.

Could we see romance in Hogwarts Legacy later?

In truth, it’s unlikely. If the developers at Avalanche Studios weren’t happy to incorporate a romance story in Hogwarts Legacy at launch, we can’t see that happening in future. Even with the prospect of future DLC. However, as they say, never say never.

Hogwarts Legacy releases this week for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on the 10th of February or on today for those that pre-ordered the Hogwarts Legacy Collector’s Edition or Deluxe Edition.

As for last-gen and Nintendo Switch owners, you’ll have to be a little more patient. Hogwarts Legacy will release on 4th April for PS4 and Xbox One, and then for Nintendo Switch on 25th, July.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros