Oh lawd, it’s finally happening. First revealed back in 2020, Hogwarts Legacy is undoubtably one of the internet’s most anticipated upcoming game titles, despite us knowing so, so little about it. Well, that’s about to change.
PlayStation have just announced on Twitter that the game is getting a dedicated State of Play livestream this Thursday (17 March), which is set to feature our first proper look at actual gameplay. Wizards rejoice.
ICYMI...check out the trailer for Hogwarts Legacy below.
“Wands at the ready for an all new State of Play focused on Hogwarts Legacy, featuring an extended first look at gameplay this Thursday, March 17 at 2 PM PT,” the tweet reads. For our dear UK readers, that’s at 9pm (you’re welcome).
According to a post on the PlayStation blog, the stream will run for around 20 minutes, and will feature over 14 minutes of gameplay, captured on PS5. It’ll also conclude “with some insight from a few members of the team at Avalanche Software who are bringing the Wizarding World to life.”
This all seems to back up some rumours from late last month, which claimed we’d be hearing more about the game soon. Well, more specifically, they suggested we’d be getting a “big” State of Play this month, and let’s face it, the one we got last week didn’t really deliver anything huge. Well, never doubt the insiders, apparently.
Also last month, we had a completely separate rumour circulating regarding what we might be able to expect from the gameplay, and it certainly sounds promising. According to one YouTuber, RetroRaconteur, the game will feature a large open world full of different towns and areas, like Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. It's supposedly been inspired by Breath of the Wild in terms of how much the player is encouraged to explore and go wherever they want, which, if it’s done well, can surely only be a good thing.
Chances are, we’re going to find out if those gameplay rumours are true or not this Thursday - they definitely wouldn’t hide the fact that the game is open-world, if it is. It remains to be seen if we’ll get any sort of release window at the same time - at the minute, yet more rumours suggest it could be in our hands by September this year, but we’ll have to wait on the official confirmation to know for sure.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, PlayStation, Harry Potter