Just when you think Henry Cavill couldn’t solidify his status as king of the nerds anymore, the man only goes and does it. Our Warhammer 40,000 fanboy. Geralt of Rivia. Man of Steel. Cavill is an icon.
Just last week, us nerdy types across the globe fell in love with Cavill even more after he showcased his latest PC build. There’s something about a Hollywood actor fanboying over an AIO cooler that just makes them seem more relatable, you know? Well it turns out, Cavill’s PC building skills might’ve landed him a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He’s really out there living our dreams, huh.
Speaking of Marvel, check out the adorable trailer for I Am Groot ahead of the series premiere.
As was revealed at San Diego Comic Con, Phase Six of the MCU will kick off with Fantastic Four - currently due to be released on 8 November, 2024. No casting has yet been announced but it’s rumoured that Cavill may be in talks to play Reed Richards.
A source relayed the news to Giant Freaking Robot who wrote, “According to our trusted and proven sources, Henry Cavill is the latest actor being wooed to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While we do not yet have confirmation of what role Henry Cavill is in talks for over at Marvel, we have a solid speculation: the head of the First Family, Reed Richards.”
That’s not all. The Illuminerdi have speculated that Cavill’s PC build Instagram videos may all been to show that he’s more than capable of playing Richards. It’s a pretty far-fetched theory, but here we go. Illuminerdi argues that Richards isn’t Marvel’s most thrilling character but Cavill’s PC building skills prove that the actor can make the mundane watchable. I’d hardly call the videos an audition tape, but they’re not wrong in saying that Cavill has a strong screen presence. As with any rumour, take this all with a pinch of salt until anything is officially confirmed by Marvel.
Topics: Marvel, TV And Film