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GTA 6 character customisation gameplay leaks suggests you'll have a ton of choice

GTA 6 character customisation gameplay leaks suggests you'll have a ton of choice

GTA 6 will seemingly offer an array of options

It appears that Grand Theft Auto VI may be bringing back a customisation mechanic from Red Dead Redemption 2.

As noted by a fan on the GTA VI reddit, it seems that Rockstar may be taking the hair and beard growth mechanic used to great effect in Red Dead Redemption 2, and using it in the upcoming title.

"In the footage of Jason [one of the two reported playable characters in the title] in a yellow and black long sleeve shirt, he has hair coming down the back of his neck in a slick fashion. In other footage, he does not seem to have that much hair, though it cannot be seen what hair style he is actually wearing because of his hat," the user wrote.

Take a look at GTA VI in action below.

GTA VI first leaked in September 2022, with a user posting 90 different videos to a GTA forum that showed off around fifty minutes of development footage. Those leaks showed off the setting for the game (that being Vice City but in the modern day), several different animations, and above all else, the playable characters for the game, Lucia and Jason.

It was later discovered that the leak happened as part of a network intrusion, with developer Rockstar Games commenting on the situation: "We recently suffered a network intrusion in which an unauthorised third party illegally accessed and downloaded confidential information from our systems, including early development footage for the next Grand Theft Auto. At this time we do not anticipate any disruption to our live game services nor any long-term effect on the development of our ongoing projects."

They continued, "We are extremely disappointed to have any details of our next game shared with you all in this way. Our work on the next Grand Theft Auto game will continue as planned and we remain as committed as ever to delivering an experience for you, our players, that truly exceeds your expectations."

It's great to see the return of this mechanic and we have no doubt developers will have added a few new bells and whistles, leading to even greater customisation.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto