What has happened to Obsidian Entertainment since Fallout: New Vegas hit the shelves over a decade ago?
Just a scattering of small things, like South Park: The Stick of Truth, the Pillars of Eternity games, The Outer Worlds and its sequel, Grounded and Pentiment. That last one was glowing like a radioactive rod with positive critical reviews although players did compare it to a overly aggrandised PowerPoint presentation. That hurt me more to type than you will ever know.
CEO Feargus Urquhart has already said that the team would leap at the chance to return to the cherished wastelands of Arizona, California and Nevada. “Of course, if we ever got the opportunity to make another Fallout game, we’d make it. There’s not even a question of whether or not we would do it, it’s just ‘will the opportunity arise?’” he had said late last year. As aformentioned though, Obsidian Entertainment has irons in the fire for The Outer Worlds and Avowed.
The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition is available as an upgrade costing £5.00 for those who already own the game and its two DLCs. Check out the trailer below:
Instead, a remaster might be probable as the possible way for Fallout: New Vegas to bounce back to us with more modern elements. In an interview with TheGamer, directors Eric DeMilt, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky admitted that visuals have never been high up on its list for Obsidian Entertainment's own style of games.
"When it came out, it had stability issues," explained DeMilt. "It's overcome those and now people are able to go back to that game, because those characters and the stories are just rich, and people want to be in there."
"Not that it's up to me, but wouldn't a graphical remaster of Fallout: New Vegas be awesome?" posited Cain to which Boyarsky replied, "it would be awesome."
Obviously, the directors expressed that they're not the ones that have the final say. With that in mind, we do know that Fallout: New Vegas is the most popular entry in the whole series. The people have spoken.
Topics: Obsidian Entertainment, Fallout