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Cyberpunk 2077 players uncover massive new mystery related to The Witcher

Cyberpunk 2077 players uncover massive new mystery related to The Witcher

A confusing new mystery has been added to Cyberpunk 2077 following the 2.0 Update, and it seems to be linked to The Witcher.

If you’re anything like me, you may have spent the entirety of the weekend diving into Cyberpunk 2077’s epic new Update 2.0. We knew that the update would introduce a number of new gameplay mechanics and quality-of-life upgrades. What fans didn’t expect though is a perplexing mystery that’s seemingly linked to The Witcher, a QR code, a server room, and an unknown language … What is going on?

In case you missed it, Cyberpunk 2077’s Update 2.0 is available to download now. It introduces an epic new quest and vehicle, vehicular combat, new Edgerunners content, and you can now kill the game’s most hated character. That’s just to name a couple of features. Today though, we’re here to discuss what might just be the most intriguing and baffling addition of the bunch. There’s a new secret mystery - and players cannot work out what is going on.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty launches tomorrow. Take a look at the DLC in action below.

The mystery was brought to light by Twitter user SynthPotato. They wrote, “There's some insane new mystery in Cyberpunk 2077 added with 2.0 that seems to be tied to The Witcher, strange languages, a server room, and a QR code that's being revealed through secrets in a new arcade game.” The r/FF06B5 subreddit is currently in the midst of trying to get to the bottom of exactly what’s going on.

Buckle up, we’re diving in deep. First of all, players found a message located on a random computer sent from TyRo/\/\aNtA to an individual referred to as Polyhistor. The sender references finding something, “A sign. FF06B5 – a pixel in hidden code, over 60 years old.” They added, “The path we must follow goes much farther and much, much deeper than we could’ve imagined.”

TyRo/\/\aNtA is talking about a QR code located in an arcade game near the Protein Farm. Polyhistor holds the highest score on that game - and that score? It’s FF06B5. A server room sits not too far from here. As SynthPotato reports, “Waiting 941229 server room until T-270 will grant you a lock which unlocks a secret room on Floor 52 in the arcade game, which leads to this maze on Level -10. This has a Wolfenstein 3D reference but also features 3x3 parts of a QR code, six of which have been found so far, the rest remain undiscovered.”

Elsewhere, players found a laptop seemingly coded in the alphabet featured in CDPR’s The Witcher games. Efforts have been made to decode this, but nothing legible has yet been deciphered. There appear to be further in-game messages too with NPCs attempting to solve the FF06B5 mystery.

Confused? We can’t blame you. It turns out that someone has solved the mystery though. The issue is, they datamined the answer, so CDPR quickly issued a takedown. Instead, fans will have to figure it out the way CDPR intended. Efforts continue.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt RED

Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red